Welcome to the website of Fareham Lodge no 8582. We are a friendly Masonic lodge which meets at the Masonic Centre, Queens Road, Fareham, Hampshire on the 4th Tuesday in January, February, March, May, June, September, October and November, at 6.00pm.
Please explore our website where you will find information about Fareham Lodge and also Freemasonry in general, as well as contact details should you wish to get in touch with us.
If you feel you might be interested in joining Fareham Lodge and would like to talk to someone in person, or if you are a Freemason and would like to attend one of our Lodge meetings as a visitor, please get in touch using the contact details below.
Fareham Lodge no 8582, a Lodge in the Solent Area of the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight, under the United Grand Lodge of England.
Please feel free to explore our content; a lot of hard work has gone into producing it and your feedback is welcomed.
You can contact us by E mailing [email protected] or use the form on the contact us page.
Please feel free to suggest any content or features you would like to be considered. It is the intention, initially, to build this into a ‘must use, go-to’ resource for the Brethren of Fareham Lodge no 8582. Hopefully, in the longer term and with a lot of help from you, it will be available for public use when the content has become more refined. As a consequence, much of what you see will appear to be aimed at those outside the Fraternity, although, rest assured, it won’t be available to public view yet.
Please be patient as we add things like privacy policy, data protection notices, FAQs, etc., because we felt that you would like to be involved by at least being able to watch the project evolve.
Your Webmasters? Nope, we ain’t letting on who you can blame until we are confident that no blame will attach to us!!!!!